WHY2025 is a nonprofit outdoors hacker camp taking place in the Netherlands, on August 8-12, 2025. The event is being organized for and by volunteers from and around all facets of the worldwide hacker community.
It is the tenth event in the series, making the upcoming version special!
Knowledge sharing, technological advancement, experimentation, connecting with your hacker peers, and hacking are some of the core values of this event.
WHY2025 is the successor of a string of events happening every four years since 1989. These are GHP, HEU, HIP, HAL, WTH, HAR, OHM, SHA,and MCH.
The next one will be: WHY2025 (What Hackers Yearn (for)).
WHY2025 will be held at Geestmerambacht, 52km North of Amsterdam on August 8-12, 2025.
badge.team is a team of volunteers which created the open hardware badges for